Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

The Challenge

Our client currently offers one of the largest and most diverse anti-infective portfolios in the industry, and seeks to continue growing globally.

One strategic priority for the client is to develop and execute a global patient engagement and advocacy campaign, with the goal of enabling advocates to address key challenges including the rising public health threat posed by anti-microbial resistance (AMR).

Our Solution

Our approach to this multi-year project is as follows:

  • Identify and prioritize key global anti-infective advocacy organizations and stakeholders.

  • Develop a patient engagement strategy and toolkit.

  • Collaborate with patient organizations across disease areas and regions to develop and execute AMR awareness and advocacy programs.

  • Form and facilitate regular AMR Global Patient Council meetings; collaborate on key initiatives.

  • Lead and facilitate annual Patient Summits to raise awareness and accelerate advocacy efforts.

  • Create global AMR Patient Consensus document.

  • Support creation of global AMR Patient Alliance.

  • Create patient education and advocacy resources.

benefits to the client

  • Influential Advocacy Network: Identify and build relationships with influential Anti-Infective (AI) patient advocacy community.

  • Global Advocacy Enablement: Educate and enable a global patient community group to effectively advocate for important AI policies in their regions.

  • Leadership Establishment: Establish and maintain leadership in novel development of anti-infective products as well as in improving public health issues such as anti-microbial resistance (AMR).


Covid-19: Anti-Virals


Meningitis Vaccine Switch C to ACWY and B